Dosha info

Dosha Theory

It is through the balance of these three Doshas, namely Vatha, Pitha and Kapha, that the mental and physical wellbeing of each individual in determined.


Suitable for All Dosha & Hair/Skin Types

Vatha Dosha

Those with dominant 'Vatha' characteristics tend to be more on the fragile side and lean. Their constituency leads them towards dry scalp and hair with rough, wrinkled and sometimes-cracked skin.

Pitha Dosha

Those with dominant 'Pitha' characteristics tend to be strong and are usually medium body types. They have weak and thinning hair, light skin that freckles and gets sun burnt easily.

Kapha Dosha

Those with dominant 'Kapha' characteristics tend to be more on the larger boned side. They generally have soft and thick hair, skin consistence that is more oily, smooth and moist.

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